• Boyne Area Young Life

    • Organizations
    317 S. Lake St.
    Boyne City, MI 49712
    (231) 497-4976
    • About

      Boyne Area Young Life
      launched in March of 2023 for our
      middle school students
      ! Our YoungLife community consists of committed local board members, donors, volunteers and lots of wildmiddle school students!
      Young Life is a non-profit outreach program that offers mentorship, community, a safe place,adventure, and God’s love to
      middle school and high school students
      all over the world. Here inBoyne, a group of adults saw the need in the lives of kids and thought Young Life would help fill thisneed.
      We know kids today are looking for connection, purpose, confidence, significance and hope; YoungLife is a place where they can find that with safe adult mentors.
      Wyldlife is our program for middle schoolers. We offer weekly clubs with wild and crazy games,laughter, community building, and deeper conversations about the big questions in life.
      We offerbible studies for students who do want to know more. Kids are invited to Young Life summer campwhere they experience a week of adventure and God’s love alongside their peers and mentors -many kids describe it as the best week of their lives!
      We hope to be another positive resource in the lives of our local youth.
      We are looking forward toworking alongside the Boyne Chamber of Commerce for the betterment of the community we serve.Many thanks to those in the community who have already partnered with us. Give us a shout if youwould like to become involved in this fast-paced and joy-filled, program with kids in our community!

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